History of the founder of AQUAQUICK 2000
Learn about the history of AQUAQUICK 2000
The History of Inventor / Entrepeneur Henri de Vries
You can learn more about the history of Entrepeneur Henri de Vries in the documents viewer below. Henri de Vries has been involved in many great adventures among them AQUAQUICK 2000. In the History Presentation of Henri de Vries you will read how AQUAQUICK 2000 was founded.
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Henri de Vries
Inventor & Business entrepeneur
Business enterprise H. de Vries was established circa 1952 by Henri de Vries in the city of Enschede, Netherlands. In the beginning, the main focus of the company was the repair of Pirns for the textile industry.
The pirns that could not be used anymore and that were set for disposal were smoothened and had a new layer of varnish applied to them. These pirns were then resold back to the textile industry resulting in huge savings for their respected business expenses.